If you have a Persian rug, you know how delicate and priceless it is. But even the best quality rugs may need a repair now and then, especially when located in high-traffic areas in your home. From pulls to rips, accidents happen and prompt repairs are required. But the worst thing you can do is attempt a DIY repair or take the rug to an inexperienced carpet repair “professional.”

It’s always best to do your research and make sure you’re choosing the most reputable Persian rug repair and cleaning expert to assure you of top-notch results you will be happy with. Let’s explore some common Persian rug repairs, then outline what you should do if you’re faced with the need for any of those repairs.

Common Persian Rug Repairs

From fringe repair to repiling, there are many issues that could plague your Persian rug. Here’s a look at the most popular.

Fringe Repair

This is one of the most common Persian rug repairs requested. The main reason for this is that the fringe is exposed, which leaves it vulnerable to the most damage. Fringe is not just a pretty decoration for the perimeter of your rug. It serves as the rug’s backbone and runs from one end to the other. If you ignore damaged fringe, further unraveling of the pile can occur.

There are many ways to repair damaged rug fringe, including re-securing the loose fringe pieces and trimming them to an even length. If your rug has a thicker pile, new fringes can be sewn on.

Hole Repair

If you have a hole in your rug, you should have it cleaned before it can be repaired so as to ensure an even color match. Your rug repair professional will rebuild the missing or broken foundation, then determine the texture and color of wool required to match the original. They will then recreate the missing pattern and trim it down to the right pile height.

Side Binding Repair

If your Persian rug only has fringe on either end, the wool at the exposed sides will be tied at the endpoint to maintain shape. If those ends come loose, the edges must be rewrapped to match the wool’s original color and texture.

Moth Damage Repair

Moth damage is common in wool rugs, as moth larvae feed on this material. Common repair methods include repiling and rebuilding the rug’s structure. Your professional will be able to let you know which method would yield the best results before beginning work.


When your Persian rug has been worn down, you may wish to restore the low pile to its original length. While many owners feel this normal wear adds to the rug’s character and beauty, others don’t like the look. If you let it go too long, the low pile will eventually expose the foundation. To prevent irreparable damage, the rug should be repaired well before it gets to this point.

Even the most skilled weaver will have a difficult time with this type of repair, as it involves matching the color and texture of the existing wool exactly. If you find yourself in need of repiling services, be sure to choose a professional that has a lot of experience in this arena.

Need a Repair? Now What?

No one wants to come across damage to their Persian rug, but it happens. There are two things you should do when noticing the need for a rug repair.

  • Get it repaired immediately. When you ignore the problem, it doesn’t go away, it only gets worse. Not only does the problem itself worsen, the cost to fix it gets higher and higher. When you address the issue right away, you will save money and enjoy better results.
  • Only entrust the job to a reputable Persian rug repair professional. A skilled expert in rug repair and restoration will do all they can to maintain the integrity of the material throughout the process. If the person you take it to suggests painting the rug to hide the damage, walk away. This not only compromises the rug’s integrity, it decreases its value. Before proceeding with repairs, the professional you choose should provide you with a detailed explanation of what they will do to perform the repair, as well as an outline of cost and time involved.

Call Us For Safe, Efficient Persian Rug Repair

Looking for area rug repair near me? Roja Rugs is your source for safe, efficient Persian rug repair. Don’t leave your rug repairs up to chance when you can utilize the expertise of our team. To learn more, contact us about our Persian rugs and related services. Make your in-store appointment today!